Kintsugi: Insights from Colon Cancer Survivor & Author Dennis Maione

Dennis Maione of Winnipeg, Canada is a popular author, keynote speaker and storyteller who shares his genetic cancer experience with patients and medical professionals in his book,  What I Learned from Cancer. He also writes the blog at March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, so what better way to wrap it up than with a guest … Read more>>

Lorraine’s Story: Caregiver to Her Husband With Type 2 Diabetes

Lorraine Cook is the wife and caregiver of Steve, who lives with type II diabetes. She shares with us the struggles of trying to reverse lifestyle habits that brought on the condition. Lorraine lives in North Florida and operates a hand-dyed apparel business at  Lorraine’s Story My husband, Steve, and I have been together since … Read more>>

Sarah’s Story: Enabled by Technology, She Paints Despite Motor Neuron Disease #MDN

Meet the artist who paints with her eyes! Sarah Ezekiel was dealt a devastating blow with her diagnosis, but has used technology to overcome obstacles. You can connect with Sarah on her website or follow her on Twitter @sarahezekiel. Our latest guest blogger in our Through the Patient Lens series. Sarah’s Story I was diagnosed with … Read more>>